For Doctors
IMPORTANT: If relevant, please send your patients to us with images of prior scans for comparison.
Three easy ways for instant access to your patient's imaging studies on any device:
Scanning the QR code on your patient's report - no login needed! Try scanning this dummy QR code with your phone camera to test our powerful visualization tools.
Opt into receiving an email with a link to images and report in RapidResults as soon as we finish the report on your patient's scan.
Click on the RapidResults button in this window for access and download capabilities of all your patients.
Or we can use the traditional methodology - fax the report and send a CD with the images.
And, of course, Dr. Riedl is always available to discuss findings over phone or email.
Our IT platform, Ramsoft, holds many more attractive features for referring doctors:
A referring doctor can create the study order directly
Access previous studies
Electronic scheduling (with POWERSERVER™ RIS/PACS)
Immediate access to reports
Reports update in real time
Study tracking online
Cross-platform functionality